Pledge Your Support
Our aim is to make Grace Home in Nepal a sustainable project.
Being forced to move from one rented premise to another has now ended as we have already raised the funding to buy a plot of land and build permanent premises for up to 20 children.
Completed in mid 2017, with a permanent address and dedicated Nepalese staff, it’s now possible for the children it cares for to live in a stable environment that provides love, care and a formal education.
To make this a sustainable project we are now looking for ongoing commitment to support the day to day running costs, so that each financial year will be as secure as the next. Pledges, based on what you can afford, will be gratefully received.
What you will be supporting
To feed a child with local nutritious food costs £30 a month.
Providing clothes and keeping them clean each costs £8 a month.
Regular health checks each cost £7 a month.
Providing text books, uniforms and school fees each costs £30 a month.
Staff and Admin
Four people are employed to run the home costing a total £225 a month.
Maintenance and Utilities
Building and grounds maintenance plus gas, electric and clean water costs a total of £45 a month.
One off costs are ongoing and include items such as furniture (beds, tables, chairs, kitchen utensils), a computer or laptops to enable children to do their learning remotly during the covid pandemic, also field trips
Pledge your support with an ongoing monthly commitment or one off donation.
All donations are go through Charities Aid Foundation. There are no processing or handling fees so all your money goes directly to Grace Home Nepal.