
Grace Home Nepal

We are working with a well run orphanage in Kathmandu which is caring for severely disadvantaged children in a country where there is absolutely no government support. Grace Home provides a loving home and education ensuring that they have the best opportunity to face the outside world and support themselves.

The home has been operating in rented premises since 2006 and suffered badly in the earthquake of 2015.  Thanks to the generousity of our donors, this has now ended and their new permanent home, for up to 20 children, has now been completed.

We are a small personal charity and everything we raise goes to Grace Home to provide the things that we take so much for granted to make it truly a home for these delightful children. We will be most grateful if you can help us.

Click here to find out more about this project.

Pledge Your Support

Our aim is to make Grace Home in Nepal a sustainable project.


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A one-off donation or an ongoing monthly commitment will make all the difference!

Carrying the cement

Building work 2017 :: Carrying the cement

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